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  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) National Prison Project

    Dedicated to ensuring that our nation's prisons, jails, juvenile facilities and immigration detention centers comply with the Constitution, federal law, and international human rights principles, and to addressing the crisis of over-incarceration in the U.S.





  • CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) programs are local initiatives designed to improve the way law enforcement and the community respond to people experiencing mental health crises. They are built on strong partnerships between law enforcement, mental health provider agencies and individuals and families affected by mental illness.


  • Office for Victims of Crimes

    The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) was established by the 1984 Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) to oversee diverse programs that benefit victims of crime.


  • Police Response to People with Disabilities

    Eight-Part Series - Designed for use in roll-call training, this videotape addresses law enforcement situations involving people who have mobility disabilities, mental illnesses, intellectual disabilities, epilepsy or seizure disorders, speech disabilities, deafness or hard of hearing, and blindness or low vision. The eight segments range from 5 to 10 minutes in length.


  • Reentry Housing Options: The Policymakers' Guide

    Provides practical steps that lawmakers and others can take to increase public safety through better access to affordable housing for individuals released to the community.


  • SB 232: West Virginia Strategic Plan: Diversions of Justice-Involved Individuals

    Strategic plan for West Virginia to use the Sequential Intercept Model to divert adults and  juveniles with mental illness, developmental disabilities, cognitive disabilities, and substance use disorders away from the criminal justice system into treatment and to promote continuity of care and interventions.

  • The Jailhouse Lawyer's Handbook

    How to bring a federal lawsuit to challenge violations of your rights in prison. A booklet published by the Center for Constitutional Rights.





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