Disability Rights of West Virginia
DRWV Accessiblity Studies
Article by Regina Desmond, DRWV Senior Advocate
July 26th, 2022 marked the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)! To mark this anniversary, the ADA National Network has asked that people share moments where you were thankful for the ADA by using #ThanksToTheADA to share what the ADA means to you on social media.
One of Disability Rights of WV’s Priorities and Objectives is to “complete accessibility studies when access issues are discovered by DRWV or brought to our attention.” Over the past several years, DRWV has provided technical assistance to the Monongalia County Parks & Recreation regarding updates they have made and are planning at their facilities, including, the brand-new swimming pool facility opened at Camp Muffly this summer. Below are examples of completed accessibility updates made to Mason-Dixon Historical Park and Camp Muffly.
Camp Muffly Park's New Swimming Pool Facility

Van Accessible Parking

Pool Front Accessible Parking Spaces

Pool Back Accessible Parking Spaces

Accessible Route

Back Entrance Accessible Route

Accessible Sales Counter

Pool Sales Counter

Detail of Sales
Counter Height

Hand Dryer

Hand Dryer Height - 38"

Detail of Hand Dryer Height - 38"

Baby Changing Station

Baby Changing Station Height - 31"

Detail of Baby Changing Station Height - 31"

Accessible Pool Lift

Camp Muffly Accessible Pool Lift
Mason Dixon Historical Park

Accessible Restroom

Mason Dixon Historical Park Accessible Restroom
DRWV would like to thank Monongalia County Parks and Recreation for reaching out to us and collaborating to increase the accessibility of your facilities.
If you have questions or concerns about the accessibility of a facility or program, feel free to contact DRWV at 800-950-5250.
Useful Websites
Monongalia County Parks and Recreation
ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities & Recreational Checklists
Mid Atlantic ADA (free resource, has a free tip line)
US Access Board (free resource, has a free tip line)
ADA Standards for Accessible Design
ADA National Network Adjusting Doors for Access
ADA Quick Tips – Tax Incentives
USDOJ’s Expanding Your Market Maintaining Accessible Features in Retail Establishments
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